I need help with my Computer!


We are here to help. You have a couple of support options available:


  1. Call or text Sauve Consulting at : 0438 147 217
  2. Email Sauve Consulting at:
  3. Remote desktop connection service using RustDesk or HopToDesk


RustDesk Remote Desktop Session


Microsoft Windows Users

RustDesk can be downloaded to your PC from this link:


Your web browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc) may block RustDeskDownload.exe, you will need to select the options to allow the download to complete. Your anti-virus software might block the download as well. You may have to temporarily disable your anti-virus software. Once downloaded, RustDeskDownload.exe should be located in you Downloads folder (C:\Users\<username>\Download).

Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your Downloads folder and open RustDeskDownload. Windows will block the program, so you will need to select "More info" and "Run anyway"


Select the "More info" link to continue.


Select the "Run anyway" button to continue.


Once the RustDeskDownload finishes installing, the RustDesktop will appear.


RustDesk remote desktop program


Contact me and quote your nine digit ID number. I will log onto your PC/laptop.
The following image will appear, select "Accept and elevate". Select "Yes" to "User Account Control".


Accept and elevate connection        User Account Control


Note: there is no need to install this program. Simply quit the program after the remote session has ended.



HopToDesk Remote Desktop Session


Microsoft Windows Users

Open your favorite web browser and head to the HopToDesk website: https://www.hoptodesk.com/

  • Select "Download Now" (see fig. 1)
  • Open downloaded file HopToDesk.exe (most likely located in your Downloads folder)
  • Quote me your ID and password by text message or phone call (see fig. 2)
  • Once logged in I can assist in solving your computer issue(s)


HopToDesk download page
Fig 1. Select the "Download Now" button



 HopToDesk control panel
Fig 2. Quote me your ID and Password.


Note: No need to install this program ( Software install option button button in fig. 2). Once the remote session is over simply exit the program.
After that HopToDesk is no longer running on your computer. Each time you open HopToDesk you will receive a new ID and password.



Optional Extra: For convenience you can create a desktop shortcut to your HopToDesk download file.

Locate the HopToDesk.exe file in Windows Explorer (most likely in your Downloads folder). Right mouse click on the file, select "Send to" then select "Desktop (create shortcut)".

Send HopToDesk shortcut icon to the Desktop
Fig 3. Create a desktop shortcut to your HopToDesk.exe file.


Linux Users

If you are a linux Debian, Ubuntu or Mint user, download the HopToDesk file here:



After the file has downloaded open a terminal and make the hoptodesk.AppIamge executable as follows:

$ cd Downloads
$ chmod +x hoptodesk.AppIamge
$ exit


Back at the desktop open the Home icon, open the Downloads folder, right mouse click on the hoptodesk.AppImage file and select "Make Link".

HopToDesk link
Fig. 4 Create a HopToDesk link


Right Mouse click on the "Link to hoptodesk.AppImage" file and select "Move to" --> Desktop

HopToDesk Desktop Link
Fig. 5 Move the HopToDesk link to your Desktop


Open the HopToDesk Desktop icon, quote me your ID and password by text message or phone call.



Apple Mac Users

Download the HopToDesk file as shown above in the Microsoft Windows Users section. Once downloaded open file HopToDesk.dmg

Download HopToDesk for Mac


Drag and drop the HopToDesk file into the Applications folder.

Install HopToDesk Mac app


Now open the Applications folder, drag and drop the HopToDesk app into your Dock or, if you prefer a desktop icon, right mouse click on the app select "Make Alias", drag and drop the newly created alias onto your desktop.

Launch HopToDesk Mac app